This is the link to your exam. Remember that you have to log in with your school account before tapping on the link.
Science stuff for 5th and 6th graders.
miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019
martes, 7 de mayo de 2019
jueves, 7 de febrero de 2019
Matter Breakout
Hello, here you have a Breakout about matter, magnetism and electricity that will help you study the these topics.
martes, 13 de febrero de 2018
Human Body Project!
It took a lot of work but finally we finished it!!! We have created our human body and we have included all the necessary information to make it work!
In this link you can take a look at all the objects that the students have created during the last four months. I am so proud of you, guys!!!
You did an awesome job and nobody can deny it! It was the first time that you faced a project like this and you have always worked with the same enthusiasm that you showed the first day. Of course, there are some mistakes but... who doesn't make mistakes? This is yours, you made it and no one can that from you!
Congratulations!!!! You made me a very proud teacher!
In this link you can take a look at all the objects that the students have created during the last four months. I am so proud of you, guys!!!
You did an awesome job and nobody can deny it! It was the first time that you faced a project like this and you have always worked with the same enthusiasm that you showed the first day. Of course, there are some mistakes but... who doesn't make mistakes? This is yours, you made it and no one can that from you!
Congratulations!!!! You made me a very proud teacher!
martes, 6 de febrero de 2018
Hi everyone! As you already know, you will have to create a poster about one of the European countries. These are the bullets that you must include in such project (so you can already start looking for the information!!):
- Name of the country.
- Fast facts about the country (language, population, nickname, fun facts...)
- Map of the country.
- Map of the country's location in Europe
- Information about the origin of the country.
- Country's flag.
- Name and picture of the capital city.
- Two interesting facts about the capital... and one picture related to those facts.
- Typical food (with picture)
- Historical people (three country heroes...)
jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017
martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017
Entrando en un nuevo jardín..., virtual.
Hola a todos:
Como ser falible que soy, tengo multitud de defectos. Mucha gente conoce algunos, otros conocen pocos y yo los conozco todos (o eso creo). Y resulta que uno de esos defectos (o no) es el inconformismo, el no servirme lo que ya tengo y siempre buscar dar un pasito más en la dirección (que yo considero) adecuada para ser mejor, para ser lo mejor posible en el ámbito de que se trate, en este caso, como maestro.
Y es este (no)defecto el que hace que busque continuamente nuevas herramientas, metodologías y modelos pedagógicos que pueda incorporar a mi labor docente para mejorarla. Esto hace que me meta en unos cuantos jardines al cabo del año, y es lo que ha hecho que me meta en este jardín virtual.
La realidad virtual nos permite conocer el mundo sin movernos del sitio y también interactuar con él de una manera que ninguna otra tecnología puede hacer. Mediante este curso espero descubrir sus fundamentos teóricos, aprender a utilizar herramientas relacionadas con esta tecnología y aprender a integrarla en mi día a día como docente.
Cuento con vuestra ayuda y apoyo!
viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017
HI 6th graders! Here you have a link to the video and to the second version that you have to watch before Monday. Jackson is in trouble and he needs your help!
jueves, 15 de junio de 2017

Play this game and make a lot of money!!!!
miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017
Creating a Business Project
Make a presentation on how to create a company including, at least, this information:
1) Type of business / company
2) Company name
3) Company goal
4) Economic sector of your company
5) Steps you must follow to create a company
6) Ongoing costs
7) Variable costs
8) Budget
You can use these links to find the information you need, as well as the information in your Social Studies book.
Don't forget to turn your project in on June 5th!!!
1) Type of business / company
2) Company name
3) Company goal
4) Economic sector of your company
5) Steps you must follow to create a company
6) Ongoing costs
7) Variable costs
8) Budget
You can use these links to find the information you need, as well as the information in your Social Studies book.
Don't forget to turn your project in on June 5th!!!
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